2-3h​+k​+s​+varasto 7,0m2


Surface area
Jääkärimarssi 2
Sales price
107 100 €
Free-of-debt price
267 600 €

Basic property information

Property No. I20
Rooms 2-3h​+k​+s​+varasto 7,0m2
Status Available
Surface area 83.5m2
Address Jääkärimarssi 2
Sales price 107 100 €
Lainaosuus 160 500 €
Free-of-debt price 267 600 €
Est. maintenance charges 329,83 € per month
Est. financing fee,
interest only
677,31 € per month
Est. financing fee,
interest and installment
1 235,85 € per month
Plot ownership Rented
Other fees Hoitovastike sisältää myös tonttivuokran. Pääomavastikearviot on laskettu 5%:n kokonaiskorolla ja 25 v laina-ajalla, josta 1. vuosi lyhennysvapaa. Lainaehdot ja vastikearviot tarkentuvat myynnin alkaessa. Lainaosuus on mahdollista maksaa pois valmistumisen yhteydessä.

How to reserve a new Easyin home

Reserve online

You can easily reserve a new Easyin home by using the form on the property’s page. After you’ve made a reservation, our agent will contact you and agree with you on the next steps and on a date for completing the sale.

Join queue

If your preferred property is no longer available, we recommend that you join the queue using the form. If a reservation is cancelled, we will offer the property to the next person in the queue.

Read our guide to buying a new home

We also recommend that you read Rakennusteollisuus RT ry’s guide (in Finnish), which focuses on issues related to buying a new home. The guide contains important information about buying a new home, completing the sale, and the initial period after moving in.

Ask for more information!

If you’d like to ask us for more detailed information, you can send us an email to easyinmyynti@kastelli.fi or contact our agents:


You can use this form to reserve this property/join the reservation queue for this property. Please read the terms of the reservation agreement carefully before you submit the form.

Terms of the reservation agreement

  1. After a reservation is made, our property agent will contact the person who made the reservation to confirm it and to agree on the next steps.
  2. The reservation will be valid for an agreed or separately announced period.
  3. The property’s homes will be sold to people who have made reservations in the order that the reservations were made. The customer who made the first reservation is entitled to first refusal on purchasing the home, etc.
  4. Property reservations can be made online on our website or by notifying our property agents of your wish to make a reservation by calling or emailing us.
  5. Reservation information will be registered in our system.
  6. The customer has the right to cancel their reservation at any time by notifying one of our property agents by email or phone.
  7. The seller has the right to cancel the reservation if construction of the site does not begin, or if the customer does not want to complete the sale within the agreed time.
  8. A reservation placed via our website is not binding on the consumer or the construction company in any way and is preliminary in nature. Details of the property sale will always be agreed separately with a property agent in person.
  9. The agent will notify the customer when construction work on the site begins. The seller will announce when the safekeeping documents as specified in the Housing Transactions Act (Asuntokauppalaki, 843/1994) have been placed in safekeeping and the sale of the site has begun.
  10. The final terms and content of the sale will be determined in the deed of sale and purchase and its appendices.

The road to an Easyin home is simple and easy

Flexibility for your new home, without a mortgage

Our experts will help you to choose materials